Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rising Above the Clouds

Yesterday I received an email from a friend, Janet Christensen, who is serving with me in a group that is focused on improving the academic achievement of Hispanic learners. Her words, "It is wonderful to be part of a group that seeks to rise above the clouds and help others get out of the clouds as well" made me realize that this is what we need to do. It is only by rising above the clouds that we can see the bigger picture and gain a broader perspective.

Rising above the clouds will also help us not get caught up in all the chaos taking place around us. On an After Words broadcast where Akbar Ahmed interviewed Mark Siegel, longtime friend and former speechwriter who helped Benazir Bhutto write Reconciliation, spoke of the glow Bhutto seemed to have about her in spite of the chaos as well as threats to her life. In other words, because of her focus on a higher purpose she was able to transcend what was happening around her.

Herndon L. Davis who is an author, lecturer, and TV Host gives us some insights into Bhutto's life that can be an example for us as we advocate for Hispanic learners. Davis said of her, "Bhutto could have easily remained safely in self-imposed exile. She could have kept a low profile and remained an observer....But instead Benazir Bhutto chose to become the change that she wanted to see for her country....She allowed her life to be used as a tool for a greater purpose, a greater cause and for a greater calling...Further Bhutto knew that her life was symbolic as a living example of patience, idealism, faith, and determination. (italics mine).

We, too, must not give up the fight for our Hispanic learners even though we are attacked on every side and in spite of the fact that we may not see the fruits of our labor. It never was about us anyway as Mother Theresa's words remind us.

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