Thursday, November 15, 2007

Facts Plus

I had the opportunity to attend a forum the first of this week where Linda Darling-Hammond was the keynote speaker. One of the many wise insights she shared was that educators need to be preparing students for a world that doesn't even exist at this point in time. She suggested that rather than teaching students an inordinate amount of facts that they then regurgitate, we need to be teaching them how to learn.

I totally concur with her recommendation....and I am also in agreement with what John Dewey said, "We can have facts without thinking but we cannot have thinking without facts."

Scott Anderson, the President and CEO of Zions First National Bank, gave some added insights to consider when he spoke recently at the Governor's Education Summit in Salt Lake City. The title of his speech was, Preparing the Workforce for the 21st Century. He noted in his speech that future workes needed to have knowledge skills in math, reading, speaking, science, history, literature, and the arts. Yet, these weren't sufficient. Anderson emphasized that there are 5 skills/traits that give added value: 1) Communication, 2) Interpersonal, 3) Creativity, 4) Hard work, and 5) Integrity/Morality.

If facts are important as a foundation, then the questions arise:
  • Which facts?
  • Who decides which facts?

These two questions will be addressed in tomorrow's post.