Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Harmful Effects of Greed

A couple of days ago my husband and I watched a section on the Brian Gumbel show about former Derby winners being sent to the slaughterhouse. We actually only watched a portion of the section because when even my husband could no longer stand seeing the cruelty that was being inflicted upon these animals, he changed the channel. Yet, we had seen enough for me to pursue the issue.

I am appalled at what I have discovered. In spite of the fact that 70-85% of Americans are opposed to killing our American horses for overseas human consumption, this inhumane treatment has been able to continue due to two main reasons. First, once many owners have run every last ounce out of their horses, they sell what is left of them at an auction where they hope to get the highest number of bucks possible. Second, there are a small number of powerful lawmakers in Congress who are thwarting the overwhelming sentiment of the American people and being influenced by lobbyists to keep slaughter alive.

The bottom line for both reasons is greed. Not only is this a shameful travesty in regards to horses, a similar travesty is happening when greed trumps what our diverse learners need to help them have the education they need and deserve.