Friday, December 7, 2007

Quality work

I had worked literally hundreds of hours on a research paper for my class with Dr. Julie Hite. I was so proud that I had even turned it into her early. Therefore, when she contacted me to say that she strongly recommended that I revise it, I was stunned.

I didn't think I had it in me to give the paper one more ounce of energy, time, or thought. Yet, once the shock subsided, I realized the great opportunity she was giving---to do better.

Through this experience I was reminded of Dr. William Glasser's work and his definition of quality: Quality is constant improvement. There is also another quote that is relevant: Dr Al Mamary has defined quality work as “… the best that a student can do at this time”. This is a useful definition as it suggests there are a number of variables involved and that the pursuit of quality is an ongoing journey.

As soon as I acknowledged that my first submitted paper really was the best I could do at the time because of a variety of variables, it didn't mean that it was the best I would be capable of doing. In other words, once my knowledge was expanded, I would have the tools to improve it.

Thank you, Dr. Hite, for causing me to stretch by:
  1. Understanding I was doing the best I could at the time
  2. Acknowledging the strengths of the paper....and my personal strengths as well
  3. Giving me suggestions on how to improve
  4. Being there to guide and support me on the journey that I can constantly improve.

Approaching our diverse learners like a Dr. Julie Hite will be giving them a most valuable gift.... even if they may not realize or appreciate it at first.