Thursday, January 17, 2008

Be There

Woody Allen's formula for success is summarized in his words, "80% of success is showing up." Many years ago I heard a similar message condensed to two words: Be there.

Yesterday United Way was sponsoring its 4th Annual Legislation Breakfast. I had earlier responded with a yes RSVP that I would attend, but I was in a real time crunch because of a variety of assignments that needed to be completed. Yet, I felt prompted to attend. After all, it was only going to take a couple of hours out of my day.

The first person I saw as I entered the parking lot elevator was LeeAnne Linderman, a favorite person of mine who always inspires me just by being around her for a few minutes. After registering I sat down at an empty table as I hadn't come with anyone, and I didn't see anyone I knew. It wasn't long before I realized that the one conducting the meeting was Scott Anderson, the President and CEO of Zions Bank---someone with whom I had been playing phone tag as I had wanted to contact him about an idea. Being able to speak to him in person after the meeting instead of continuing to try to connect by phone was definitely a plus.

Already my investment of time was paying off! Then during the meeting, much to the surprise of both of us, Sandy Petersen, the Davis School District Assistant Superintendent, sat down beside me. She is an incredible educator and person who is committed to serving Hispanic learners. It was rejuvenating just to have the opportunity to visit with her for a few minutes.

Surprises aren't over, yet. At the end of the meeting someone else who had come in and sat down at my table spoke to me by name, and I realized it was Joan Dixon, another person who is an inspiration because of the great work she is doing with Hispanics in the Provo area.

Needless to say, it was well worth the two hour investment to follow the prompting to "show up" and to "be there"---over and above hearing what the legislators had to say!

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