Friday, May 16, 2008

President Cynthia Bioteau Is Remarkable

President Cynthia Bioteau is the president of Salt Lake Community College in Utah. I had the opportunity to meet her at a luncheon where she spoke. Needless to say, I didn't expect her to remember me, but she did.

Since that first meeting I have seen her at a few functions we have both attended, and we have communicated various times through email. I have always been amazed at how quickly she responds to my emails and how gracious, helpful, and encouraging she always is--in spite of her schedule that can't help but be extremely demanding because of her position.

This trait that Pres. Bioteau exhibits seems to be a trait that all great and remarkable leaders possess. Vicki Mori, the Executive Director of Guadalupe School, and Scott Anderson, President and Chief Executive of Zion's Bank and Dr. Cesar Diaz, President of Hispano/Latino Rotary Club of Salt Lake are three others who exhibit this same trait. I don't believe they developed this trait after they assumed leadership positions. I believe it was this trait (along with others) that made them remarkable leaders even before they ever held a leadership position.

As respectful as we need to be of their time and generosity I've found that when we need something done and accomplished we often need to go straight to the top. Those who aren't at the top who possess this quality of getting things done promptly with graciousness will soon be at the top and those who don't possess it won't stay at the top very long.

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