Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What I Want For My Child...and All Children

Yesterday I posted this quote:
John Dewey quote
“ What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child,that must the community want for all of its children."

After doing some pondering today I would like to expound on what I would want for my child...and therefore, would want for all children....from our schools:

A safe, caring, inviting, challenging environment that would....

  • value, respect, and honor his and his family's language, culture, and assets

  • believe that she can learn and use assessments to take her from where she is to where she isn't...and use scaffolding and building upon her background knowledge to bridge the gap

  • broaden his horizon by exposing him to new "worlds" of history, literature, science, the arts, languages, current events, etc. that inspire and enrich him

  • provide her with opportunities to learn the skills she'll need for the 21st Century

  • help him develop his unique talents and interests and know and use his learning style--teach him rather than content

  • see her not only for what she is but also for what she can become

  • help him become an involved citizen who is committed to serving others and making the world better

In other words, do whatever it takes, so all children can BE their best--now and in the future.

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