Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dr. James Scheurich: A Moral/Spiritual Leader

The work of Dr. James Scheurich, a Texas A&M University professor and dept. head, is an excellent resource for those interested in this topic of Moral/Spiritual Leadership For Multicultural Education.

Dr. Sherry Marx from Utah State University first introduced me to Dr. Scheurich with a work of his that has had a dramatic effect on my life:

Highly successful and loving, public elementary schools populated mainly by lows-ses children of color: Core beliefs and cultural characteristics
James Joseph Scheurich. Urban Education. Thousand Oaks: Nov 1998. Vol. 33, Iss. 4; pg. 451, 41 pgs

Abstract (Summary)
The widespread existence of highly successful elementary schools populated mainly by low-socioeconomic-status students of color substantially undermines popular assumptions about the pervasive school failure of these students. Indeed, the fact that these highly successful schools are academically competitive with and even superior to the better Anglo schools suggests that these highly successful schools may have developed a better model for schooling.
Dr. Scheurich continues to have an influence on my work. Each time I communicate with him he introduces me to the work of others who in turn have been an influence. This last time it was the work of Julie Laible, Michael Dantley, Colleen Capper, and David Purpel.

Dr. Scheurich truly exemplifies one of the finest qualities of a moral/spiritual leader--helping others to achieve their goals.

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